Hundreds of hats later, here are a few comments:
"from Albuquerque, we'd like to say your reputation is *solid*"
"We grinned from ear to ear when we opened the package... We were like kids on Christmas!!"
"Just wanted to let you know that I received the hat today and my God, it is terrific!!"
"I can not thank you enough as this is perfect and has made my day. Seriously, the hat could not be better."
"It arrived today, and it's even better than I'd imagined!"
"Just received the Jayne hat today. It is absolutely perfect. I jumped up and down with glee.I love all the little touches you added like the stamps on the box and the note. You made this Irish Browncoat very happy."
"Hey! I got my hat today, and let me just say--IT WAS AWESOME!!! I giggled the whole time I was opening it... everything was just great. Your quality is priceless. Thank you sososososoooo much!"
"My jayne hat just arrived, and I'm geeking-out so badly :-D I feel so sorry for all my co-workers who have to suffer through my running around showing it off -- I even got excited about the box with its neat stamps! and the letter! and the straw! It's all so dork-tasticly cool! Exclamation points for everything!!!"
"Huzzah! I just received the Best Damned Jayne Hat ever!!!!"
"Hat arrived today, and it's perfect. (Unlike several I have seen on eBay the colours are spot on.) and I also loved the packaging, and the note inside." Note: Don asked to put a "making of" up on his prop replica site. That page can be found here.
"I was absolutely knocked off my ass when I saw everything in the box."
"Just to say I received the hats today, and THANKYOU so very much - never have I had such a big grin on my face picking bits of straw off things!!! I'm going to give my friend hers in a very public place too see if she squeals as loudly as I did!"
"I just wanted to inform you that I received the hat today and everyone loves it. Even my mom."
"...got the hat and it's just as extra cunning as you promised!"
"That hat is amazing and I love it!"
"I am going to wear this cunning hat with pride to a meeting I'm attending tomorrow and to the movie premier. It will keep me warm in my travels for sure. Matter of fact it's keeping me warm NOW!
"The hat came today and I am LOVE with it. I haven't taken it off all day."
(Cotton version)"Oh. My. Gosh. Cutest thing ever! I can't believe how gorgeous the yarn is, so soft and...I want to say yummy, but can a yarn be yummy? My husband is very jealous and wishes that he, too, had a huge head so that the hat would fit him"
"...I'm quite happy with it! It's a really great hat and it's going to get a lot of wearing - once the weather cools off for autumn/winter. :)"
"I got the Jayne hat today. Wow. Just awesome. I was literally squealing in joy. That is what you have made me do."
"Thanks for the hat, it turned up yesterday morning - and it's shiny! ... It's a really great hat and it's going to get a lot of wearing - once
the weather cools off for autumn/winter. :)"
"I just wanted to say what a fantastic job you did on the Jayne Cobb hat. The straw and letter touches are excellent. I'm very happy with it. For once I cant wait for it to get cold!"
"That is the best hat ever. It fits great and looks great."
"The hat is exquisite! It is beyong cunning... I feel so very honored I have such a marvelous piece to wear, hand made just for me. I feel kind of goofy and cool wearing it, how weird does that sound?"
(Cotton version)"I was stopped at a red light and a guy walking along the street leaned down to the window, gave me the thumbs up, and said "Hey, cunning hat!"! Even better is that he said it in Franglais - which is how most people in Montreal say everything, so it was "Hey, tuque très cunning!" ... It's so soft and beautiful and it fits perfectly
and I love it!"
"Ma Cobb would be proud. ... it fits perfectly and I love it!"
"Thank you, thank you thank you! He LOVES it. And he was just laughing at the straw and the note - what wonderful touches!"
"I must say it is a fabulous piece of work."
"...I just got it, and it is amazing. Absolutely shiny. I have a feeling I'll have a few friends with Jayne envy, and I'll make sure to direct them your way."
"Oh my God, words cannot express my elation at opening the box I received this morning and I'm not even the one getting them as gifts."
"I wanted you to know, bar absolutely none, my Jayne hat is my most prized Christmas present! I have thanked my friend appropriately, but now, I wish to thank you. So thanks. For making these hats, and for shipping them! You've not only made my Christmas but also my year!"
(All black)"Okay best package ever ever ever! And my hat is so superfoxy I can't even describe my joy! ... And it was so much fun to open - so clever, I was just giddy for hours. Thank you so much."
"I love this hat! It's warm, comfortable, and every few minutes you realize "My hat is the coolest!" when you're wearing it. I also loved the box -- nice touches. I got the hat last night and noticed the box this morning; it was like getting two presents in two days!"
(Cotton version)"...he did start chuckling the moment he figured out what it was, and he's still grinning hugely every time he so much as lays eyes on it or the letter from "mom". The cats love the dangly bits, and I'm thrilled that I can finally recognize him on the ski slopes, so the whole family is happy... ;)"
"He got the hat yesterday, and called me right away to say it was the coolest thing he has ever seen!"
"This hat is so mindbogglingly awesome. The letter is great! You are the best!"
(Cotton version)"Just a note to say my cunning hat is BRILLIANT! Moreover, the Christmas treat of opening the box, reading the note, and pulling out a straw-covered hat was PRICELESS. I kid you not, my wife was crying with laughter and startlement for the better part of 5 minutes. Thanks for making that happen!"
"The hats arrived and both Jeremy and I ADORE ours! You do excellent quality work and I will be recommending you to every firefly fan I know (and those who just need an awesome new hat!)"
"Words can't even begin to describe the happiness that I'm feeling right now! I love everything, especially the various stamps on the outside of the box! They show wonderful detail to the Firefly verse. The hat itself is flawless--Jayne himself probably wouldn't even be able to tell this hat from the original."
"I LOVE IT. ... It's way shiny."
"He read the letter with a quizzical look on his face, but seemed to recognise the "damplung" reference. He then started laughing, and continued laughing as he dug through the straw. And when the glorious item emerged...we both agreed it was fanTAStic!"
"I just got the hat! It is sooo cool!"
"Its not so much a hat as it is an experience, now is it? The straw, the note...I can honestly say with no doubt in my mind that this has to be by far the best Jayne hat out there. I've never seen a more cunning hat."
"Thanks for the exquisite Jayne hat. It arrived today at my office and my coworkers oohed and aaahed as I unveiled the cunning treasure. I've been wearing it all day (so they know I'm not afraid of anything). ... The hat is even more comfortable than I imagined and a perfect fit. And the packaging! Oh my... You have made my winter."
"Have just received what is surely the finest hat in all the 'verse. It's fantastic."
"My hat arrived Friday afternoon and it far surpassed my expectations! I even got to wear it for a little while and that's when I ran
into a problem...my 6 year old son got home from school and took it from me!! It turns out he likes the hat as much as I do and I
actually had to share it with him. I tried to explain to him that sharing wasn't very Jayne-like but he just didn't listen to me. Oddly enough, "not listening to me" was VERY Jayne-like :)"
"The hat is perfect and so very cunning."
"Just to let you know we got the hat today - and oh, my God, it's fantastic! The stamped box with the straw and the letter just made it! My boyfriend was thrilled and so was I. You made a couple of Browncoats very happy."
"You're my hero for life right now... The hat's super-cunning, but the straw, and the letter from mom... Amazing! To the point that I forgot it wasn't for me at first, then debated keeping it for me anyway. ... Long story short, you've made my "Zoe" very happy, and that in turn makes this "Wash" very happy. :)"
"I got my Jayne Hat in the mail today and it is freaking SHINY!!! The pics on your site don't do it justice it's just....words can't describe it. I'm speechless. Well I should go now, my co-workers are looking at me funny again and not just because I'm wearing my hat right now, but because I'm trying to control myself from running around the room with glee."
"The hat came in today and I feel just like Jayne..."
"I am overjoyed and extremely giddy right now! The time and work you put into the hat is clearly visible before you even open the box. The presentation of the box with the stamps, the straw filling inside, and the note from dear old mum is so original and fun. It makes it worth the wait, believe me. ... The wool is extremely comfortable and the size is very generous. I was half expecting some stiff bucket that sat on my head, but not with this hat. It's very movable and loose. All in all, I am very pleased. "
"My Jayne Hat arrived yesterday and fits perfectly! Thank you and I love your packaging. If you were on ebay or some such, I'd give you a double gold star A++ for my cunning new chapeau."
"Got my Jayne hat last week and I couldn't be happier! Once I saw the box stamped with all of the ports in the 'Verse, I knew I was in for a treat. I didn't open it right away, and went to my girlfriends house. I have got her into Firely, and that night "The Message" was next in our viewing. I opened my package and immediately put it on. She loved it... even saying I looked like a goof ball. But it makes me look so damn cunning. Thank you so much for making a hat that all Firefly and Jayne fans can be proud of and "wear with style"."
"The hat arrived today all shiny and perfect... It probably goes without saying that I wore it around the house shrieking like a 13-yr-old girl for a good half an hour. Thank you so much!"
"This has got to be the best hat ever!"
"Wow!!!! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! I do not know how to thank you...it is something that when I wear or look at it, just makes me sooo happy :)"
"I just adore it! It's wonderful! I'm beyond thrilled, it sits well and, of course, the packaging is the icing on the cake."
"It's wonderful! Much softer than I expected - thanks ever so much I'm real pleased!!!"
"The hat arrived! ... The stamps on the outside of the box are AWESOME. What a great idea!!!! I re-packed the hat exactly as it came twice, and made my roommates open it, so that they would get the whole experience."
"Just droppin you a short note to let you know I am just tickled to death about my new Jayne hat. I must have been chuckling for the last ten minutes, the straw and the note are a hilarious touch. Thanks again, you've been great to work with."
"Thank you so much! I got the hat today and I absolutely LOVE IT. I'm recommending you to all my friends who wish to buy a Jayne hat!"
"Just awesome! The hat, the packing, stamps, the note from "mother", it was all perfect! Thank you so much."
"This. Is the single greatest thing I have ever owned. I can't believe the quality and the fit is perfect. The ear flaps even stick out properly. You are promoted to Captain. Thank you Thank You Thank yOu. Thank You. I hope every Browncoat in the world orders one and you become a bazillionaire."
"Wow, the hat is fantastic, as was the package, the whole thing. Thank you so much... and the Blue Sun sticker was an awesome added bonus!"
"I got my Jayne hat today, and it's freakin awesome. Thank you! I gotta say, the packaging was awesome too.. it's the coolest thing I've seen in a long time, I was thinking at one point 'It'd be neat if she had stamps or stickers made up for the various post offices or something that would be stamped all over the box..." Lo and behold! Thanks again, I do believe this hat will see use even above and beyond Halloween. :D"
"The hats arrived last week, I was soooooo impressed by the box and contents! Thanks a million! :)"
"I just wanted to send you a quick email. The "Non-Con" was GREAT! The Backup Bash that the Browncoats threw over the weekend was just awesome. I wore my hat allllll weekend and I wanted to let you know that it got ALOT of compliments. I wish that I had cards for you or something 'cause they all wanted to know where I got it from. It was by far one of the superior Jayne hats there last weekend and I was proud to be the owner of it. Nathan Fillion complimented it in the bar when I met him. "That is a very cunning hat!" (ok, so not all that original but hey, he could have NOT said anything!). You do very fine work! I hope that some of the people that I gave your name to contact you. They will not be disappointed!"
"Thanks you for all your attention to detail - "it was the best day ever""
"I just got jayne's hat yesterday (which i'm currently wearing) and let me tell you the attention to detail is of the highest quality. the box, the straw, the stamps, the NOTE!, leading right up to the wonderfully made hat. You rule. absolutely. Thanks so much for making this such a fun process."
"I got the hat and even blogged about it. It's great!"