Check for a big-screen Summer Serenity showing in your area!
Q: I don't see a button for ordering. How do I purchase a hat?
A: There's no button so that I don't suddenly get 50 orders in a row, leaving the next poor sap not getting a hat before Serenity 2 comes out. (Keep a happy thought, eh?) Instead, you may
an email to find out how many are in the queue, and therefore what your delivery time would be.
Q: How much does a Jayne hat cost?
A: $40 to anywhere in the world. Shipping is included in the price. Cotton hats cost $5 more. Prices are in U.S. dollars.
Q: What forms of payment do you take?
A: Paypal, check in U.S. funds, money order - and in the case of a gentleman from Norway, well-concealed cash (at your own risk).
Q: How do you ship?
A: United States Postal Service, first class with delivery confirmation. If you're on a tight deadline, we can bump that up to priority shipping.
Q: How long would it actually be before I get my hat?
A: That depends on how many people are already in line. Waiting time varies from about one to ten weeks.
E-mail me and I can give you a much more exact estimate.
Q: I pay and then I don't see my hat for a month? How do I know you won't scupper off?
A: As of January 2008, I've sold more than 800 finished hats and knitting kits. So far there have been no complaints. I encourage you to ask around if you're nervous. I have a strong affection for my fellow Browncoats and am proud of my reputation. I work hard to be sure all my "Jaynes" are happy.
Q: Which is more authentic, the cotton or the wool?
A: Jayne's hat was wool, so that's the more authentic material. I have not found the wool to be itchy, but I do not have any wool allergies.
Q: Do you really knit all the hats?
A: Yes. Seldom will you find me in public without a half-finished Jayne hat on the needles. Knitting these hats in public has been a fun "secret handshake" between myself and other Browncoats.
Q: How do I care for my Jayne hat?
A: The wool resists dirt pretty well, so you may never have to clean it. If you do,
handwash cool ONLY. Fill a sink with cool to lukewarm water and press your hat down in it. Add a little soap and swish it around a little if you need to. The key is
do not agitate more than you must. If there's a trouble spot, you can rub it a bit, but don't overdo it.
NOTE:Your hat is made of high quality wool and mohair, and will felt into a tiny but cunning doll's hat if you throw it in the washing machine. Heed the words of an Australian Browncoat who ruined his hat trying to shrink it in a hot water washing machine. He said of his pompom,
"It looks like Elmo getting struck by lightning."
Q: Where do you ship?
A: Everywhere. Jayne hats have gone global, from Scotland to Hong Kong and many points between.
Q: If I order more than one, will you combine shipping?
A: Yes.
Drop me a line; we can knock a couple of bucks off the price.
Q: I've got a big head. Can you accommodate me?
A: Sure. A lot of Firefly fans seem to have bigger brainpans, obviously to contain our superior taste. I knit your hat to your measurements. If it's a gift and you can't measure, we can estimate.
Q: What special touches do you add?
A: Each hat comes in a box packed in straw with a handwritten note, the same text as Jayne's mom wrote to him. Additionally, unless you tell me otherwise, the box is postmarked with all the ports of call your package visits on its trip to you. An example is below.

If you have a question not covered here, drop me a line and I'll be glad to answer it.
Thanks for looking, and keep flying!
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